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The plaintiff, aged 17-27, had lived in Fukushima prefecture when the March 11, 2011, massive earthquake caused a tsunami to hit the eastern coast of Japan. and led to the melting of nuclear fuel rods at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant.
Kenichi Ido, head of the lawyers team, said the six clients were preparing to file a class action lawsuit. (A class-action lawsuit) with the Tokyo District Court this afternoon (Jan. 27) it will demand a total compensation of 616 million yen, or about 178 million baht.
Meanwhile, last year's UN's Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation report. conclude that The Fukushima nuclear disaster, ten years ago, "has no direct impact" on the health of the local population. The higher incidence of thyroid cancer among children is due to r0;more effective diagnosisr1; than in the past.