Currently, diabetics in Thailand account for 8.3% of the population aged 20-79 years and are incurableสล็อตand at risk of many complications. Therefore, adjusting eating habits to maintain normal sugar levels is very important for people with diabetes. for the patient's own health and to help doctors reduce or stop using drugs to control sugar levels
Diabetes is not cured, but it can be controlled.
Dietitian at Bangkok Hospital Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrinology Center stated that diabetes is a chronic disease that cannot be cured. but if the patient controls the diet or adjusts the health behavior appropriately Can control blood sugar to a normal level. The disease is in remission and will not show symptoms as if the disease is no longer present. Also known as Remission, and if able to maintain sugar levels in the normal range over time This will help the doctor reduce or refrain from taking medications to control sugar levels.
How to control blood sugar back to normal
There are many ways to control blood sugar levels. The most important thing is to change health behaviors, including eating at regular intervals. Do not skip meals to prevent hypoglycemia. Avoid overeating at one meal as this can lead to hyperglycemia. Should take care of body weight to be within the normal range (18.5 - 22.9 kg/m2) will help with blood sugar control. Reduce insulin resistance, causing the sugar that floats in the bloodstream to be carried by insulin into the cells to be burned for energy. Therefore, overweight or obese patients should lose 5% of their body weight.
Adjusting eating habits can also help control blood sugar levels and body weight, for example:
Limiting the amount of carbohydrate-rich foods, such as rice, flour, bread, noodles, vermicelli, corn, taro, and potatoes, should be in the right amount in each meal.
Should choose complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are rich in fiber, such as whole grains, grains and vegetables, but some vegetables that contain large amounts of carbohydrates, such as pumpkin, should not be eaten in large quantities.
Do not eat too much fruit each day. Because fruits are foods that contain sugar fructose (Fructose) in all fruits. whether sour or sweet It is recommended to eat 3-4 coffee cup saucers. or a fist-sized fruit per day
Avoid drinking fruit juices of any kind. Since fruit juice contains only sugar and no fiber, dietary fiber can hinder the absorption of some of the sugar. Some patients may have received information that Should choose to eat unsweetened fruit. Low Glycemic Index, but in fact the most important thing is Optimal volume control Because if you eat large amounts of tasteless fruit, it can cause high sugar levels as well.
Avoid eating sweets. and high sugar drinks It will greatly reduce blood sugar levels. Because the sugar added in desserts can be absorbed quickly. So the sugar will rise quickly. and beverages such as soft drinks, tea, coffee, fermented milk and various flavored milks, herbal juices, etc., by switching to a type that uses artificial sugar or stevia instead. You can choose by reading the nutrition label every time before purchasing.
Limit your alcohol intake to no more than 1 drink for women and 2 drinks for men, as alcohol can also cause high blood sugar levels. and should not drink on an empty stomach because it can cause low sugar
adjusting health behaviors, including diet There's no one formula or method that's right for everyone (No One-Size-Fits-All), so meeting a dietitian can help. to assess knowledge, understanding and nutritional status In order to find a way to change health behaviors that are appropriate for each person, it is best. It also allows patients to set health care goals to maintain normal blood sugar levels for as long as possible.